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The dance team at Audacity is planning another set of Workshops and Dinner Dance on the 23rd and 24th of June 2012. Nathan Toussaint and Deanna Rolfe will be our special guests. They are top rated Australian WCS as well as Lindy Hop, Balboa and Ceroc and Modern Jive dancers.

We have also invited some other Advanced WCS teachers from Sydney to attend and we hope to have confirmations soon.

The plan is to have 1 workshop on the Saturday morning, followed by a Bus Tour to at least 3 wineries including afternoon tea, and 3 course Dinner Dance that evening. On the Sunday, there will be three more workshops. Pricing will be determined by the number of attendees but as a guide, individual workshops will be around $40 - $45 with savings for multiple workshops. Workshops will be designed for all levels and beome increasingly challenging on the Sunday.

Please help us plan the weekend by completing this survey.


Will you be attending the "Techniques to advance your WCS" workshop on Saturday 23 June 2012 (11am)?

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* 2. Will you be going on the 'Winter Solstice Winery Bus Tour and Dinner Dance'? Expected cost in the range of $150 with drinks and entertainment. The bus can pick up at two locations and drop off at two locations thus eliminating the RBT factor.

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* 3. If you CANNOT go or commit to go on the Winery Tour, you can still attend the Dinner Dance - expected to cost around the $80 mark for a 3 course meal and some wines. The Dinner Dance is to be held at the Lake George Winery near Collector. There will be special dance displays of at least 4 styles of dancing!

Do you plan to attend the Dinner Dance?

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* 4. Will you be attending any of the WCS workshops on the Sunday with Nathan Toussaint and Deanna Rolfe? Workshops on Musicality", "Classic Whips" and "Fun Syncopations" planned.

My answer - I plan to attend:

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* 5. So far, the suggested workshops are:

1. Techniques to Advance your WCS - aimed at all levels with specific exercises and routines that will improve your dancing.

2. Musicality - ever wanted to hit that beat, accent something in the music, learn when and where to "pulse" - this is a session for all levels.

3. Classic Whips - our instructors will show you some of their favourite whips. Sure to enhance your social dance reportoirre. You need to be confident in doing whips.

4. Fun Syncopations - follows on from the Musicality workshop, showing you how to highlight your WCS paterns.

Would you like to propose any other areas that we could consider for workshop content?

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* 6. We have been asked to check if a change of start times would benefit our customers. It will potentially give us longer dance social times.

Are you in favour of changing the start time of Beginner lessons to 6:15pm Tuesday and Intermediate lesson to 7:30pm?

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* 7. It is important that we know who has responded to this survey. Please complete your name in the following field.

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* 8. If you would like Mark to contact you and discuss any aspect of the workshops, wine tour, dinner dance or any other matter, please choose an appropriate response below.