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Welcome to the Supreme Seltzer Survey!

Thank you for taking one minute to fill this out and adding your voices to the hundreds who have already contributed to Give Me Seltzer, the first book (currently in development) about seltzer and what it means to those who drink it.

Please keep in mind any opinions expressed below might be referenced within the book project (which currently includes a web site, podcast series, twitter feed, Facebook group, and more).

Question Title

* 1. When you hear the word "Seltzer" what comes to mind?

Question Title

* 2. If it weren't for seltzer, how would your life be different?

Question Title

* 3. Finally, please provide some personal information below. It helps me to understand the context for your answers and tells me how to contact you should I need to ask any clarifying questions. However, you can skip all those without * if you like to submit your response.

Question Title

* 4. What do you do for a living?

Question Title

* 7. How did you hear about this survey? (other)

Question Title

* 8. (other comments)