Thank you for taking the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Street Seats Pilot Project Evaluation Survey. Your feedback is needed to help determine the program's future.

We would like to hear from you by November 25th, 2012. Formal submissions on behalf of community groups such as neighborhood or business associations should be sent to

Thank you

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1. Are you:

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2. Have you seen a Street Seats facility?

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3. Have you sat or dined in a Street Seats facility?

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4. [q3]If so, did you enjoy your experience?

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5. Do you live near (within 5 blocks of) a Street Seats facility?

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6. [Q5] If yes, which one?

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7. Have you experienced any problems related to the installation of the Street Seat?

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8. [Q7] If yes, did you communicate these issues to the host business or City of Portland?

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9. [Q8] Were these problems addressed?

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10. How do you think that Street Seats impact the vitality of Portland's streets?

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11. Are you familiar with the Streets Seats program requirements and design guidelines?

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12. [Q11] If yes:
If the program continues, do you have any recommended modifications or suggestions?

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13. Do you have any other comments that you would like to add to this evaluation process?