This one-time promotion qualifies you for a free 6-month use of Modelithics simulation libraries with over 10,000 RF/microwave parts and valued at $2000.

It is offered to all existing and prospective Genesys users who have not used Modelithics libraries before.

To qualify, complete this survey with quality information about your modeling needs to enable us to improve the accuracy of your simulation.

All survey participants will also receive a 10% discount on their next purchase or lease of Modelithics library models or custom modeling services for use with Genesys.

Promotion ends on 31st Dec 2014.

Question Title

* 1. Tell us about yourself.

Question Title

* 2. What do you design and what is your target industry?

  Commercial Wireless Defence Aerospace Automobile Medical Others
RF Subsystems

Question Title

* 3. Rate models most needed for your design simulation.

  Always Frequently Seldom N/A
Up/Down Converters

Question Title

* 4. To qualify for this promotion, provide complete information of AT LEAST 3 ACTIVE DEVICES OR PASSIVE COMPONENT FAMILIES that you need Genesys models for. List vendors, part numbers, component descriptions, frequency, power, bias, impedance, package types, etc. (Check all simulations that apply).

  SP- S_prmter XP- X_prmeter NL- Nonlinear NF- Noise Figure NP- Noise Prmeter FL- Flicker Noise_1/F IM- IM3 validated LP- LoadPuil TS- Temp Scalable SS- Substrate Scalable SB- Spectrasys Behavioral
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6

Question Title

* 5. The 6 months Modelithics COMPLETE library will be secured to your PC LAN Physical address. Please enter it here.
For Windows 7 :
1. Click the Windows Start icon.
2. In the search bar at the bottom section, Enter the command : "cmd /k ipconfig /all".

Read off the 12 character Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection Physical Address and enter it here in this format, e.g. .1A2B3C4D5E6F

Question Title

* 6. Overall, what is your satisfaction level with Genesys Software and Modelithics Libraries?

  Extremely satisfied Quite satisfied Quite dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied Don't Know
Genesys RF Simulation and Synthesis Software
Modelithics Simulation Libraries

Question Title

* 7. Would you like to be contacted immediately by a Genesys sales specialist?