2012 using the market approach and data Question Title * 1. In valuing a private company, do you routinely consider the market approach; i.e., the use of private company transactions data as well as guideline public company data, to help reach a market value for the subject company? (Note: Simply answer yes or no; there will be room to comment elsewhere.) Yes No Question Title * 2. If you answered "no" to Question 1, please explain why you do not routly consider the market approach in your standard valuation practice. Question Title * 3. If you answered “yes” to Question 1, which of the following databases do you routinely use (please check as many as apply): BIZCOMPs Pratt's Stats Public Stats IBA database Done Deals Factset Mergerstat/BVR Control Premium Study Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. If you routinely consider private and public company data in your market approach to private company valuation, what factors might cause you to reject it in any particular case? Nature of subject company Lack of sufficiently comparable companies/transactions in the data Lack of information concerning the comparable companies and/or sales transactions in the data Other (please specify in the comment field below) Question Title * 5. If you have rejected the market approach in favor of the income approach in a particular case, do you nevertheless consider guideline public company data to determine capital structure when calculating the WACC? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. If you have rejected the market approach in favor of the income approach in a particular case, do you nevertheless consider private company transaction data to determine capital structure when calculating the WACC? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. If you have rejected the market approach in favor of the income approach in a particular case, do you nevertheless routinely consider public company data (from, e.g., Duff & Phelps or Ibbotson) to determine an equity risk premium and/or size premium? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. In general, can you please comment on the reliability of using market data to arrive at an overall value for a subject private company? Exit >>