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* 1. In valuing a private company, do you routinely consider the market approach; i.e., the use of private company transactions data as well as guideline public company data, to help reach a market value for the subject company? (Note: Simply answer yes or no; there will be room to comment elsewhere.)

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* 2. If you answered "no" to Question 1, please explain why you do not routly consider the market approach in your standard valuation practice.

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* 3. If you answered “yes” to Question 1, which of the following databases do you routinely use (please check as many as apply):

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* 4. If you routinely consider private and public company data in your market approach to private company valuation, what factors might cause you to reject it in any particular case?

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* 5. If you have rejected the market approach in favor of the income approach in a particular case, do you nevertheless consider guideline public company data to determine capital structure when calculating the WACC?

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* 6. If you have rejected the market approach in favor of the income approach in a particular case, do you nevertheless consider private company transaction data to determine capital structure when calculating the WACC?

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* 7. If you have rejected the market approach in favor of the income approach in a particular case, do you nevertheless routinely consider public company data (from, e.g., Duff & Phelps or Ibbotson) to determine an equity risk premium and/or size premium?

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* 8. In general, can you please comment on the reliability of using market data to arrive at an overall value for a subject private company?