Please help us document the economic importance of the Delaware River fishing and boating industry in relation to cold water reservoir releases by checking the appropriate box or by writing in the answer. All information is strictly confidential. Please do not use symbols such as "$" or "%" when you enter any numbers. Also, please do not use commas, decimal points or quotation marks. To answer $10,000 simply type 10000.

All information is strictly confidential and will be used only in the aggregate and for the purpose of documenting the economic contributions of the Delaware River (and branches) cold water fishery with a view toward developing a fairer reservoir release regimen that better supports the fishing and boating industries and extends their season.

Please complete this survey by January 15 if at all possible. Thank you very much!

Question Title

1. Name of business or enterprise:

Question Title

2. Principal county where your business or enterprise is located:

Question Title

3. Address:

Question Title

4. How long has your business or enterprise existed (regardless of ownership)?

Question Title

5. How many acres of land does your business or enterprise occupy?

Question Title

6. How much of your customer base is related to each of the following activities, your estimation? That is to say, how many of your customers do you estimate come to the area for these activities and, in the course of their visits visit your business or use your services, regardless the services you provide directly relate to these activities or not?

  0% 1-25% 26-50% 51-75% 75-99% 100%
Bird watching
Eagle watching
Second-home visiting

Question Title

7. What type of business or enterprise do you operate? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

8. What were your total revenues per year for the last 5 years (in dollars, but please don't use dollar symbols)? This information is extremely important to our survey, so please share it with the understanding it is strictly confidential. The data will only be used in collected format such that no individual data is ever disclosed. Once collected, the individual answers will be destroyed.

Question Title

9. Please estimate your average annually operating expenses (last five years) on each of the following items (in dollars, but please don't use dollar symbols)? If they are capital expenses, however, please record them in answer to the next question and NOT here.

Question Title

10. How much capital have you invested in your facilities over the LAST 5 years combined (in dollars, but please don't use dollar symboils)? Please include all land purchases and investments in depreciable assets. Do not include operating expenses.

Question Title

11. How much capital do you plan to invest in your facilities over the NEXT 5 years combined (in dollars, but please don't use dollar symbols)? Please include all land purchases and investments in depreciable assets. Do not include operating expenses.

Question Title

12. What percentage of your purchases do you estimate are made within Broome, Delaware, Sullivan and/or Wayne Counties, as opposed to other areas (please do not use percentage symbols)?

Question Title

13. How many individuals are directly employed by your business or enterprise?

Question Title

14. How do you promote your business or enterprise? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

15. The upper reaches of the Delaware River and its branches are cold water fisheries that support angling and certain other types of wildlife not found everywhere. How important is this cold water fishery to your business or enterprise?

Question Title

16. Normally, how important are these various seasons to your business in terms of customer counts or visitors to your place of business? Use the following as a guide:

0-10% of Customers or Visitors = Not That Important
11-20% of Customers or Visitors = Somewhat Important
21-40% of Customers or Visitors = Important
41-60% of Customers or Visitors = Very Important
60-80% of Customers or Visitors = Extremely Important
81-100% of Customers or Visitors = All Important

  Not That Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important All Important

Question Title

17. Normally, how important are these various seasons to your business in terms of SALES VOLUME? Use the following as a guide:

0-10% of Sales = Not That Important
11-20% of Sales = Somewhat Important
21-40% of Sales = Important
41-60% of Sales = Very Important
60-80% of Sales = Extremely Important
81-100% of Sales = All Important

  Not That Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important All Important

Question Title

18. How much more business could you generate if reservoir releases were more consistent and provided for a full uninterrupted cold water fishing season?

Question Title

19. Where do your customers come from (to the best of your knowledge)? Please indicate the percentage that comes from each location and make sure the total is 100% (but please do not use percentage symbols).

Question Title

20. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the importance of the cold water fishery and the reservoir releases to maintaining it?