1. Annual Goal Setting - Do You Do It? And What Helps?

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* 1. Which statement most accurately reflects your attitude towards annual goal setting?

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* 2. What is the percentage chance you will write annual goals for 2010?

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* 3. Please answer if you have done annual goal setting in the past: In your experience of goal setting, how helpful are the following circumstances in helping you set goals you will pursue?

  Irrelevant Somewhat helpful Helpful Very helpful Essential No opinion
Explicitly sharing the results of your goal-setting with someone(s)
Having some type of reward(s) for goal achievement
Doing it with a trusted other, e.g., a coach, spouse or friend
Not getting overly serious about it, for example, goals aren't necessarily written down
Doing it with others in an "off-site" setting
Tying it in with a time management system like Franklin Planner
Doing it in a structured process that walks you through steps
Having written pages to organize the goals and to go back to
Setting it up so that you have to review the goals periodically