Exit this survey Is a MickaCoo director position salary worthy? 1. Question Title * 1. Do you think that the work of MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue is valuable? Yes! I am very glad that the Bay Area has an organized effort to help rescue pigeons and doves. Somewhat. The fewer animals euthanized the better. Not really. There are so many more important issues that need to be addressed. No. I think this effort is unnecessary. Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Do you think the effort of overseeing the foster care and rehoming of approximately 200+ pigeons and doves per year justifies a full-time staff position? Yes. Volunteer efforts benefit from the support of a dedicated staff position. No. Volunteer efforts alone can accomplish this. Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Do you think that the addition of a paid staff position to MickaCoo would negatively impact the motivation of volunteers to get/stay involved? Yes. If one person is going to get paid, why should others volunteer? No. There is a value to having both. Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Would you be as willing to donate in support of MickaCoo if the funds were being spent not only on vet care but to also staff a paid position? Yes. I would still be comfortable donating to MickaCoo even if a portion of the funds went towards paying a salary. No. I would not be as comfortable donating to MickaCoo if a portion of the funds went towards paying a salary. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Do you think that adding a paid staff position to direct MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue would be positive or negative? Positive. Negative. Please explain your answer. Question Title * 6. If MickaCoo was to fund a paid staff position, which means of funding would you feel most comfortable with? Donations from individuals Monetized blog and website (paid ads) Grants from foundations Entrepreneurial efforts such as selling MickaCoo Gear All of the above None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue has only been successful because of YOUR involvement. Please share your thoughts, ideas, concerns, questions and reservations about the possibility of creating a paid staff position to serve as MickaCoo director. Done