1. TMCnet Research Survey Question Title * 1. Are you involved in managing organizations Telecom services? YES NO Question Title * 2. What is your total estimated monthly spend for all communications services combined (voice, data, and wireless)? Under $35,000/month $35,000 - $150,000/month Over $150,000/month Question Title * 3. Do you currently charge back or cost allocate to a department (e.g. sales, marketing, admin, etc) or office location (e.g. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc)? YES NO Question Title * 4. How many different vendors are you getting an invoice from for your communications services? 1-15 16-25 26-40 Over 40 Question Title * 5. Are you interested in lowering your costs for communications services? YES NO Question Title * 6. As it relates to reducing expenses, which of the following areas are you focusing on? Controlling wireless/cellular expenses Reconciling invoices, service inventory, and contracted rate Right-sizing capacity based on usage All of the above Question Title * 7. As it relates to managing wireless services, your objectives include: Ensuring employees are on the right plan based on their usage (minutes, texting, pooling, etc) Only paying for services that are still active All of the above None of the above Question Title * 8. How many different types of communications services are you currently managing (a communications service is any instance of voice, data, or wireless, for example landline phones, cellular phones, pagers, circuits, etc)? 3,000 or less Over 3,000 Question Title * 9. Would you be interested in discussing ways to reduce costs by managing your telecom expenses more effectively? YES NO Question Title * 10. Contact Information First Name Last Name Email Address Company Phone Title Address, City, State, Zip Country Done