1. Storytelling Webinar Registration

Thank you for your interest in this storytelling webinar. After filling this out, it will bring you to the URL where you can watch the video.

Also...there's one question re: feedback that I would appreciate your answering.

Thanks and best regards,

David Lee

Question Title

* 1. And you are...

Question Title

* 2. Where did you hear about this?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your interest in the following aspect of storytelling

  Not interested Some interest Interested Very interested N/A
Make presentations more interesting, inspiring, and memorable
Make idea "pack more of a punch" so they hit home at an emotional level
Make concepts more understandable
Challenge people's limiting beliefs & perspectives w/o triggering defensiveness
Using stories in Employer Branding
Using stories in Orientation and Onboarding
Using stories to keep employees engaged and morale high

Question Title

* 4. Are there specific questions you have or aspects of storytelling you are most interested in that you would like to see covered in future webinars?

Thanks again. When you hit "Done" it will send you to the page with the video.