

Dear participant,

This survey represents a part of research conducted by Donghua University, Shanghai.
We sincerely believe that this research is important for the development of Chinese companies and can improve their understanding of innovation as a key premise for internationalization.
Thank you very much for providing us 10 minutes of your precious time to fill in this important questionnaire.

Note: This questionnaire will be used for scientific purposes only.

When referring to “innovation” in this questionnaire, authors think about:

(1) 研发新产品(或有效改良产品)
Introduction of new products (or significant improvement of existing products)
(2) 研发新服务(或有效改良服务)
Introduction of new services (or significant improvement of existing services)
(3) 改善公司的制造方法与技术
Improved manufacturing methods and technologies in the company
(4) 执行新的市场策略
Implementation of a new marketing method
(5) 在公司中引进新的经营或管理方法和工具
Introduction of new business/management methods and tools in the company

When referring to “internationalization” in this questionnaire, authors think about:

(1) 通过代理机构出口商品
Export through agent
(2) 自行出口商品
(3) 在他国拥有代理办事处
Having a representative office in some other country
(4) 和国外合伙人联合投资
Having a joint-venture with a foreign partner
(5) 在国外拥有自己公司的分支
Having a subsidiary of your own company in the foreign country

8% of survey complete.