1. Introduction to the Content Management Survey

7% of survey complete.
This survey provides data on various practices for tagging and using metadata for content management and search on internal and external websites. It should take less than 20 minutes to complete. If you provide your email address, we will send you a free copy of the Survey Results White Paper.

You will be taken to the results webinar registration after completion of the survey.

The survey contains:
    1. A few questions about your organization, so that we can determine how practices vary by organization size and industry.

    2. Checklists of practices to indicate if they are in use by your organization.

Earley & Associates will donate $2.00 to either the American Red Cross, the American Cancer Society or UNICEF (your choice will be presented at the end of the survey) for each completed survey. A minimum of $200 will be donated to each.

Question Title

* 1. Would you like a copy of the 2011 Content Management Survey Results White Paper when it becomes available?