United Way of Thurston County Community Investment Volunteer Application

Every two years, United Way of Thurston County recruits a dedicated team of Community Investment Volunteers. In 2010 these volunteers helped us grant $450,000 to 44 local programs. These funds helped provide tutoring and after-school care for children, meals and shelter for hungry and homeless people and many other essential services. In January 2012 we will begin our next funding process. We invite you to join us as a volunteer.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Please list current and past affiliations with Thurston County nonprofit organizations. Please note if you are an officer. This information is used to prevent conflicts of interest. You may still volunteer if you are affiliated with a non-profit requesting funds, but you may be asked to abstain from rating their application.

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* 3. Please rate your interest in serving on the following Impact Panels in order of preference.

  First Choice Second Choice Third Choice
Education: Helping Children and Youth Achieve Their Potential
Income: Promoting Financial Stability and Independence
Health: Improving People's Health

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* 4. United Way of Thurston County strives for a committee comprised of diverse individuals with a variety of educational, professional and volunter backgrounds as well as diverse interests, skills and experiences. Please tell us a little about your Educational, Professional and volunteer experience, especially as it relates to the committee on which you're most interested in serving.

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* 5. Please share a little about your passions, skills and areas of interest

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* 6. We all look at problems a little differently. By having a wide variety of people on each panel we ensure that each grant application is reviewed from many different angles and perspectives. Please answer a few questions about yourself that we will use to help ensure we have a good mix on each panel.
Would you rather:

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* 7. Would you rather:

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* 8. The Community Investment process relies upon each volunteer to bring an open mind and cooperative attitude. This may mean being receptive to new ideas or ways to create community change, as well as working with diverse individuals and mindsets.
If selected as a Community Investment Committee volunteer, are you willing to uphold these ideals to the best of your ability?

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* 9. We are making a special effort to thank all Community Investment Volunteers, not only for their time, but also for their monetary contribution to United Way. It is of special importance that those responsible for allocating the funds provided by generous donors be donors themselves. We invite those volunteers who may not have had the opportunity to give to United Way previously to complete a pledge card.
May we send you a pledge card?

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* 10. If selected for the participation in the community investment process I will abstain from participating or influencing any decision regarding United Way of Thurston County that could result in a direct or indirect benefit to me, my family or an organization to which I am affiliated. Please "sign" below.