Question Title

* 2. Have you attended the DHS Band Play-A-Thon that occurs each January in the past?

Question Title

* 3. If you did not attend a Play-A-Thon, why not?

If you have NEVER attended a DHS Band Play-A-Thon please skip to the end and submit your survey. Thank you for your participation!

If you HAVE ATTENDED Play-A-Thon please continue the survey and give us valuable feedback about the event

Question Title

* 4. If you have attended Play-A-Thon in the past did you have fun?

Question Title

* 5. What makes Play-A-Thon fun?

  Yes, definitely Kind of Not really No, not at all
Having lots of students attend the event
The music
It's fun to have different conductors during the night
Dancing during the break times
Eating during the break times
The breaks AND the playing are fun
ONLY the breaks are fun
ONLY the playing is fun
Staying up all night and hanging out with band friends
Making new friends in band I didn't really know well before the event
Raising money toward the spring band trip

Question Title

* 6. What parts of Play-A-Thon were not so fun?

  Yes, definitely Kind of Not really No, not at all
The breaks
The playing
The music chosen is too hard, too easy, or too boring
The conductors are too serious - I just want to have fun
It's too relaxed - When I play, I want to play quality music, not goof off
Too many rules - too strict
Too long - I hate staying up all night
Not enough participation overall - it's not a party if folks don't attend!
Too crowded - too many people attending the event. I need my space!

Question Title

* 7. If we decide to do Play-A-Thon again this year, will you attend as long as you don't have a schedule conflict?

  Yes, of course! Maybe Probably not Definitely not
If Play-A-Thon runs from evening till the next morning as it has previously
If Play-A-Thon runs during the day and ends at midnight
If Play-A-Thon starts after school on a Friday and ends the next morning

Question Title

* 8. Indicate which changes you would like to see implemented for Play-A-Thon if we decide to do it again?

  Yes, this would be a great change! No, I don't want this change Not sure if I'd like this or not.
Music changes: Play more pep band music or popular tunes
More food
Dance music during break time
Quiet room for naps during the night
Shorter duration: Perhaps an event that runs all day but ends at midnight
Larger audience
Invite more folks to play with the band at various times during the event
Contests, games during the event for the students
Rotating "themes" for various hours: Different student conductors for one block, swap instruments with a friend for the next block, pep band music block, etc.
Forget Play-A-Thon: It's an event that is long overdue to be retired. Let's not do this fundraiser ever again!

Question Title

* 9. Please add any additional comments about Play-A-Thon below, as well as any ideas for an alternate fundraiser if you don't think we should continue with Play-A-Thon. Thank you for your input.