Cultural Events in the EU Question Title * 1. What country are you answering from? Question Title * 2. What region of your country are you answering from? Question Title * 3. What in your opinion are the two major cultural events in your country in the immediate post WW2 period 1945 - 1955 ? Cultural events or happenings that for example may have influenced peace and reconciliation. Question Title * 4. What in your opinion are the two major cultural events in your country of the period 1955 to 1995? Question Title * 5. Are there any cultural events that you would say have particularly influenced the democratic process (or the movement towards democracy) in your country ? Question Title * 6. How has joining the EU influenced culture in your country? Question Title * 7. Are there any cultural events that happened only on a local or regional level that are associated with the democratic process? Question Title * 8. Could you please leave references, links etc to any of the above answers that could lead us further in our research? Done