ALB China Client Choice 2014 ALB中国版客户之选2014问卷调查 Question Title * 1. 您的姓名 (Please provide your full name) *我们将对您的个人信息和提名情况严格保密 Note: Your anonymity will be guaranteed Question Title * 2. 您在公司所担任职务? (What is your role at your company/firm?) 总法律顾问 Chief Legal Officer 法律顾问 In-house counsel 合规专员/监察主任 Compliance officer 公司管理层成员 Company executive 投资银行家 Investment banker 咨询公司顾问 Consultant 其他 Other Question Title * 3. 您所在公司名称和您的所在地 (What is the name of your company/firm? Where are you based?) Question Title * 4. 您的电子邮件地址 (Your Email address) Question Title * 5. 请在下面填写您推荐的执业律师——第一选择 (Please fill in the following information about your 1st choice private practice lawyer whom you would highly recommend) 姓名 Name 律所 Law Firm 职位 Position 国家 Country 执业领域 Practice Area 推荐原因 Why would you recommend this lawyer? Question Title * 6. 请填写您推荐的执业律师——第二选择. Please fill in the following information about your 2nd choice private practice lawyer whom you would highly recommend. 姓名 Name 律所 Law Firm 职位 Position 国家 Country 执业领域 Practice Area 推荐原因 Why would you recommend this lawyer? Question Title * 7. 请填写您推荐的执业律师——第三选择. Please fill in the following information about your third choice private practice lawyer whom you would highly recommend. 姓名 Name 律所 Law Firm 职位 Position 国家 Country 执业领域 Practice Area 推荐原因 Why would you recommend this lawyer? Question Title * 8. 请填写您推荐的执业律师——第四选择. Please fill in the following information about your 4th choice private practice lawyer whom you would highly recommend. 姓名 Name 律所 Law Firm 职位 Position 国家 Country 执业领域 Practice Area 推荐原因 Why would you recommend this lawyer? Question Title * 9. 请填写您推荐的执业律师——第五选择. Please fill in the following information about the 5th private practice lawyer you would highly recommend. 姓名 Name 律所 Law Firm 职位 Position 国家 Country 执业领域 Practice Area 推荐原因 Why would you recommend this lawyer? Question Title * 10. . 如您愿意订阅免费的《亚洲法律》杂志中国版,请详细填写收件人地址,我们将会按时为您寄送. (If you would like to receive a FREE subscription to Asian Legal Business: China magazine, please fill out your details and we will add you to our client mailing list.) 姓名 Name 公司名 Company 街道门牌 Address 1 区/县 Address 2 省/市 City 国家 Country 邮编 Zip Code Done