1. Your current work

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This survey examines use of social network sites among seasonal workers in the ski industry. I do not gain financially in any way by the survey. This is research for my thesis at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan.

All COMPLETED surveys will be entered into a drawing for a US$100 gift certificate from Amazon.com.

Question Title

1. Do you consider yourself a seasonal worker at your current job in the ski industry?

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2. How long have you worked at your current company/ski area/resort?

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3. How long have you worked in the ski industry as a whole?

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4. What is your overall satisfaction with...

  very dissatisfied dissatisfied neutral satisfied very satisfied Not applicable
your job
your opportunities for snow sports (skiing/snowboarding)

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5. How likely are you to...

  extremely unlikely unlikely somewhat unlikely neutral somewhat likely likely extremely likely N/A
return to the same ski area next year?
go try a new ski area next year?
not work in the ski industry next year?