Exit this survey Fall 2011 SIS Check-In 1. Fall 2011 SIS Check-in Question Title * 1. Please update your contact information Name Station Code School/Organization Address Email Alternate Email Telephone Grade Level Question Title * 2. Do you have all of the parts for your seismometer to function? Yes No If No, what is missing or not working? Question Title * 3. How are you using the seismometer? I set it up and run it continuously all year. I only set it up and run it when I am covering the unit related to Earthquake topics. I am not using the instrument currently, but I plan on using it this year. I have temporarily loaned it to another teacher The instrument is shared among other teachers in my district so I only set it up and run it when it is my turn. My teaching assignment has changed and I no longer run the instrument. I am not using it currently, and I would like to return it to IRIS. Other... Please describe Comments Question Title * 4. Any questions, problems, or suggestions for the Seismographs in Schools program? Thank you! If you have any questions or problems throughout this school year, contact us at sishelp@iris.edu. Done