Exit this survey Teachable Moments - 2011 Summer/Fall Survey Question Title * 1. Where are you? United States Outside the US Question Title * 2. How are you notified of a new Teachable Moment (TM)? Listserv email Facebook Twitter Forwarded from a friend Seismic Monitor Link Checking the IRIS website Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How often do you use the TM resources? Every earthquake Frequently Occasionally Question Title * 4. In what role are you using our products? Student Teacher Adult Science Professional Retired Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If you are teaching, what level do you teach? Elementary Middle High Undergraduate Graduate Community Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. How do you use the TM products? (choose all that apply) Present in class Display in classroom/school/public venue Direct students to review Personal enrichment Share with friends Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Rank the usefulness of our products Low Useful Important Powerpoint Powerpoint Low Powerpoint Useful Powerpoint Important PDF PDF Low PDF Useful PDF Important Wave propagation animation Wave propagation animation Low Wave propagation animation Useful Wave propagation animation Important Concept animations Concept animations Low Concept animations Useful Concept animations Important Links to other resources Links to other resources Low Links to other resources Useful Links to other resources Important Comments Question Title * 8. Usted usa nuestros recursos traducidos al Español? Si, yo presento los recursos traducidos en mi clase. Si, yo publico los recursos traducidos para mis estudiantes o mi escuela. Si, yo dirijo a mis estudiantes para observar el material. Si, me gusta leer los recursos. No, yo prefiero usar los recursos en ingles. N/A Question Title * 9. Any suggestions to improve our products? Thank you! Your time will help improve our products for yourself as well as others!! Done