1. Introduction

Broward County, FL is home to 5,635 arts-related businesses employing approximately 21,833 people (as of January 2010). These arts-centric businesses play an important role in building and sustaining economic vibrancy. In addition to employing a creative workforce, these businesses spend money locally, generate government revenue, and are a cornerstone of tourism and economic development.

As a member of the creative workforce we invite you to complete the following survey. The information provided will assist us in the planning of future programs, workshops, and services relevant to the area’s artists, cultural arts organizations, and creative community.

Please complete the following survey by September 30, 2010.

NOTE: To learn about and register for upcoming workshops and programs, visit our website www.broward.org/arts.

We also invite you read the ‘draft’ the Creative Broward 2020 - A Plan for Cultural and Economic Development in Broward County, Updates will be posted periodically.
