1. Town of Blooming Grove Hazard Mitigation - Citizen Survey

25% of survey complete.
CITIZEN PREPAREDNESS QUESTIONNAIRE - A hazard mitigation team has recently been established to address natural hazards that may occur in the Town of Blooming Grove. In order to identify and plan for future natural disasters, we need assistance from County residents. This questionnaire is designed to gauge the level of knowledge local citizens have about natural-disaster issues and potential areas of vulnerability in our community to any type of natural disaster. The information you provide will help coordinate activities to reduce the risk of injury or property damage in the future.

You will be asked if your home is located in a floodplain.
If you do not know, or are not sure, please check the following website: http:\\www.floodsmart.gov The "One-Step Flood Risk Profile" provides a quick indication of your location with respect to delineated floodplains; alternatively, you can view paper copies of the NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps at your Municipal Hall.

NFIP Flood Mapping should be available at your municipal building.

This survey consists of 22 questions and will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.