1. Western Discipline


The US Pony Clubs is a non-profit educational organization whose goal is to develop character, leadership, confidence, and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding, and mounted sports. Youth participate in team competitions known as rallies in a variety of disciplines including quiz, dressage, eventing, mounted games, tetrathlon, show jumping, and polocrosse.

Historically, our programs have been oriented to English riding, but in the past few years there has been interest expressed in providing the Pony Club experience to Western disciplines as well. The USPC Board of Governors is seeking input from the equestrian community outside of Pony Club about providing such a program.

As a Western equestrian, we are seeking your input to help in the decision process. Your participation is very important, and I urge you to take just a few minutes of your time to respond to this short survey.


Tom Adams, USPC President

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* 1. What state do you live in?

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. How long have you been involved with horses?

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* 4. Are you familiar with the Untied States Pony Clubs structure and programs?

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* 5. Do you think youth in your community would participate in a local club that provided lessons in both riding and horse care specific to Western riding?

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* 6. If there was a local Pony Club or Pony Club Riding Center offering a Western program, what skill sets should be included in the lessons and/or achievement ratings? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. Following is a list of some current USPC activities. Which ones do you think might interest a Western rider? (Check all that apply)

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* 8. Would a Horse Management-only track where riders could earn proficiency ratings on their horse care knowledge (separate from riding skill ratings) be of interest to a Western rider?

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* 9. Are there any youth programs that specifically teach horse management skills available in your community?

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* 10. Would you be interested in volunteering to assist in implementing a pilot program for Western instruction within an existing US Pony Club or US Pony Club Riding Center in your area?

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* 11. Can you think of Western instructors/ trainers in your area who might be willing to work within a specific riding and horse management curriculum and teach in a USPC Western discipline pilot program?

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* 12. What disciplines/ areas would the Western instructors in your area be proficient at teaching? (Check all that apply)

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* 13. How many Western youth riders do you estimate live in your area?

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* 14. What percentage of the Western youth riders in your community do you think might be interested in joining a Pony Club that offered Western and horse management instruction?

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* 15. The USPC has created a draft of the standards of proficiency for the various levels in Western riding, starting with the most basic beginners (D level), up through the most accomplished (A level). Would you be interested in reviewing these standards and offering comments?

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* 16. If you would be interested in helping as a resource in your local community or in the development of the Pony Club curriculum for Western proficiency, please record your name and email address or other contact information below. THANK YOU FOR YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS!!