BJA Solicitation Survey 2012

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* 1. Have you ever applied for BJA drug court funding or the Joint BJA/SAMHSA drug court funding?

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* 2. If no, where there any requirements which prevented you from applying for federal assistance?

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* 3. Indicate the grant category you applied for:

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* 4. This funding request was for what type of court?

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* 5. BJA recently consulted with the National Institute of Justice to incorporate 7 design features into the solicitation. The intention was to prioritize funding for applicants who incorporate the effective evidence based research designs into their applications. Were you aware of these 7 design features?

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* 6. Were you aware that a webinar was released to operationally define each of the 7 design features? If so, did you find the webinar helpful when developing your drug court application?

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* 7. Are you satisfied with the standard federal funding maximum amounts ($350,000 for Implementation, $200,000 for Enhancement)?

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* 8. Is the current amount allowable sufficient to address your programmatic needs?

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* 9. Was the page limit sufficient enough to address all the required criteria?

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* 10. Did you find the resource guide useful?

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* 11. Did you find the OJP Financial Guide Useful?

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* 12. What suggestions would you provide to improve the solicitation process?