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Question Title

* 1. From your personal observations of organizations, when it comes to being promoted to higher pay and responsibilities, how important do you think the following factors are - where 5 = essential, 4 = very important 3 = important 2 = somewhat important 1 = not important

  Essential Very important Important Somewhat important Not important
Having the qualifications for the open position
Letting people know you are interested in more responsibility/being promoted
Having connections to people at the next level(s) up
Being seen as "bought in" to the organizational culture
Sucking up to management
Demonstrating results at your current position
Being seen as a person who goes over and above what's required
Having formal credentials, e.g., degrees, certifications

Question Title

* 2. When you think of the times you were promoted, what factors do you think were most important in your getting promoted?

  Essential Very important Important Somewhat important Not important N/A
I had formal credentials, e.g., degrees, certifications
I demonstrated results at the position I was in
I was seen as a person who went over and above what's required
I sucked up to management
I was seen as "bought in" to the organizational culture
I let people know I was interested in more responsibility/being promoted
I had connections to people at the next level(s) up
I had the qualifications for the open position

Question Title

* 3. How fairly do you feel you have been treated with respect to promotion opportunities in your career?

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* 4. If you had one piece of advice for people seeking promotion in the organization you are most familiar with, what would it be?

Question Title

* 5. For statistical purposes, please check the boxes below that apply to you