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* 1. Where do you use the website most often?

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* 2. On what type of device do you view (select all that apply)

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* 3. How important is it that the new website be optimized for smartphones?

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* 4. What is the most critical information that should be available on the website?

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* 5. How helpful are maps showing freeway congestion?

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* 6. How important are maps of congestion on city and local streets?

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* 7. Are travel times on freeways important to you?

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* 8. Are the travel time estimates that are currently posted on freeway message boards reliable?

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* 9. How important are live images from ADOT freeway cameras in helping you plan your commute?

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* 10. If the new website offered an opportunity to “chat” with someone in ADOT’s Traffic Operations Center during commute hours, is that a feature you would use?

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* 11. How important is the integration of alternative route information into the new website?

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* 12. Do you have other comments or input about ADOT's 511 Traveler Information System?