Exit this survey Best Bites Blog Survey 1. Question Title * 1. What is your gender? Male. Female. Question Title * 2. What is your age? 18 to 25. 26 to 35. 36 to 45. 46 to 55. Over 55. Question Title * 3. What is your income range? Below $50,000. $51,000 to $100,000. $101,000 to $150,000. $151,000 to $200,000. More than $200,000. Question Title * 4. What is your Zip code? Question Title * 5. How often do you visit Washingtonian.com's food and dining section? Several times a day. Daily. Once or twice a week. Once a month. This is the first time I've visited. Question Title * 6. Why do you visit Washingtonian.com's food section? Check all that apply. Restaurant reviews. To search for a restaurant to go to. Best Bites blog. Information on food and wine events. Gossip and news. To catch up on food trends. Todd Kliman's weekly chat. Dining guides (holiday menus, neighborhood eats, etc.). Recipes. Chef interviews. Wine/spirits information. Other (please fill in answer). Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Do you read the print version of Washingtonian magazine? Yes, every month. Yes, but just a few times a year. No. Question Title * 8. Are you a subscriber to Washingtonian magazine? Yes. No. I used to be, but I'm not anymore. Next