Survey for service provider organizations in Toronto area Question Title * 1. BackgroundThe Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network was established with the aim of raising awareness about human trafficking and to facilitate service assistance to trafficked persons. The network is committed to addressing the plight of trafficked persons through a holistic, human rights based approach, focused on the needs of trafficked persons. Membership to the network is free and open to any organization and individual with knowledge and/or interest in the area of counter human trafficking. For more information about the network or the present survey, please email or call FCJ Refugee Centre at 416-469-9754, ex.222Purpose of the surveyThe purpose of the survey is to gather information about service agencies and the services offered to trafficked persons within the Toronto area. In addition, the survey will explore the necessity for training tailored to the needs of service providing agencies. The findings of this survey will be made available to all survey respondents and TCHT Network members and affiliates.The individual responses provided in the survey will be kept confidential and only for the purposes of the survey. Background information Name of the organization: Address & Contact information: Your position within the organization (one respondent per organization): Key Services Provided : Question Title * 2. How would you rate your knowledge of human trafficking? a) No knowledge b) Little knowledge c) Good knowledge d) Excellent knowledge Question Title * 3. How would you define human trafficking? Question Title * 4. Please list any training/education/resources personnel in your organization have received regarding human trafficking (either within or outside of your organization), as well as any training/education/resources personnel in your organization would be interested in receiving. Question Title * 5. To your knowledge, have any of the clients your organization is serving been identified as a trafficked person? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 6. If you answered Yes to the previous question, please indicate how many trafficked persons in each category you have served since January 2008? a) Sexual exploitation: 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify the number if possible) b) Labour exploitation: 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify the number if possible) c) Other (please specify type and number) Question Title * 7. How many of the persons you served who were domestically trafficked (resided in Canada when trafficked) identified as: a) Women: 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify, if possible) b) Girls (less than 16 years old): 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify if possible) c) Boys (less than 16 years old): 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify if possible) d) Men: 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify if possible) e) Transgendered: 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify if possible) Question Title * 8. How many of the persons you served who were internationally trafficked (resided outside Canada when initially recruited) identified as: a) Women: 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify, if possible) b) Girls (less than 16 years old): 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify if possible) c) Boys (less than 16 years old): 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify if possible) d) Men: 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify if possible) e) Transgendered: 0; 1-5; 6-10, more than 10 (please specify if possible) Question Title * 9. What services do you offer to the trafficked persons you served? In order to provide a better understanding of services available, please also describe any services needed by the trafficked persons that your organizartion did not have the capacity to provide in the comments section below. a) Legal b) Housing c) Education d) Medical e) Counseling f) Employment g) Immigration h) Financial i) Crisis Intervention j) Referrals k) Interpretation/translation l) Other Comments Question Title * 10. Please describe how your organization collaborates with other service-providing organizations or law enforcement agencies when serving trafficked persons? Next