www.bvresources.com Most Impactful BV Issue in 2011 1. Question Title * 1. Which of the following issues had the most critical impact on the business valuation profession in 2011? Please pick just one: Fair value for financial reporting: FASB releases, regulatory updates, etc. Everything IRS: DLOM Job Aid, appraiser oversight and penalties, BV guidelines, 409(a) valuations, etc. Application of Daubert to BV techniques and methodologies BV professional standards, interpretation and application--including appropriateness of calculations of value Deteriminging discounts, premiums, cap rates, company-specific risk, and other discrete analytical issues requiring empirical support S Corp valuations: the continuing debate on tax affecting It was the economy, of course--global and domestic Increasing specialization of BV profession, including necessity of keeping up with evolving techniques and applications Attraction and retention of competent BV professionals Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which ofthe following BV "megatrends" will have the greatest impact on the profession in 2012? This time, please feel free to check any or all that apply: State of global capital markets Promulgation of international valuation standards Promulgation of domestic (U.S.) BV standards Convergence of international and U.S. FV for financial reporting standards Bifurcation (or even trifurcation) of BV profession along traditional, FV for financial reporting, and litigation tracks, with all the increasingly sophisticated and focused training this entails Convergence of FV and FV-for-financial-accounting standards BV institutionalization through licensing, enhanced regulations and IRS oversight, codification of appraiser standard and penalties, etc. Unification of BV profession Outsourcing of BV work overseas Increased Daubert challenges in court Decrease of BV 'dabblers' More science, less art (emphasis on empirical, quantitative analysis over qualitative judgments) More attention to practice management and adminstration among maturing BV firms More attention to succession planning among mature BV firms More consolidation of BV firms through mergers and acquisitions Question Title * 3. If you have any further thoughts on the future of the BV profession, please feel free to add your comments here. Exit >>