Exit this survey Customer Satisfaction Survey Question Title * 1. How pleased are you with our customer service? Very pleased Somewhat pleased Moderately pleased Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 2. How helpful were the customer service representatives at our company? Extremely helpful Very helpful Moderately helpful Slightly helpful Not at all helpful Question Title * 3. How well did the customer service representatives communicate with you? Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all well Question Title * 4. How easy was it to find this building? Extremely easy Very easy Moderately easy Slightly easy Not at all easy N/A Question Title * 5. Was parking convenient? Extremely convenient Slightly convenient Not at all convenient N/A Question Title * 6. Overall, what type of payment method do you prefer? Send in by mail Give payment over the phone Make payments online Question Title * 7. What is your preferred method of communication with us? Letter Phone E-mail Question Title * 8. How easy is it to navigate our website? Extremely easy Very easy Moderately easy Slightly easy Not at all easy Question Title * 9. Overall, are you pleased with the service you receive from MFSI? Very pleased Somewhat pleased Not at all pleased Needs improvement Question Title * 10. Please express any thoughts and/or feelings you like to share with us. Done