1. New Facilities Survey

Alvarado ISD administrators have evaluated all current AISD facilities and the district believes there is a need for a new junior high. The following survey is to gauge our community's interest in a new junior high and any other facilities our stakeholders believe we are in need of.

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* 1. Age

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* 2. Relationship with Alvarado ISD

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* 3. If you currently have children in AISD, which campus do they attend?

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* 4. If you are a student or staff member at one of AISD's schools, which school is your home campus?

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* 5. Did you vote in the last bond election?

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* 6. Do you believe there is a need for a new junior high?

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* 7. If you DO believe there is a need for a junior high, please explain why ...

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* 8. If you DO NOT believe there is a need for a new junior high, please explain why ...

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* 9. Are there any other facilities that need to be upgraded or built that you believe AISD students would benefit from?
(fine arts facilities, athletic factilites, etc.)