1. A short survey from BVWire on client relations

Thanks--we're hearing more concerns about how business appraisers are hired and used by law firms...so here's your chance to let us know what you think. We hope this takes less than a minute of your time!

--Jan Davis, Editor, BVWire and Business Valuation Update

Question Title

* 1. Would you say your relationship with your law firm clients is improving or getting worse in the following key areas?

  Improving a lot About the same Much worse N/A
Hiring you in time to complete your work
Protecting you from unreasonable deadlines
Explaining the scope and legal issues of the engagement
Recognizing appraiser's professional standard of independence
Paying on time

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* 2. Comments on any of the above issues?

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* 3. Have you noticed any trends in fee agreements or negotiations?

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* 4. Have you or your firm taken any steps to counter any trends you see in your law firm/valuation expert relationships?

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* 5. If you'd like to be quoted on this topic, let us know who you are in this optional section.