1. About this survey

The Instrumentation Panel of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) recognizes that the scale, the complexity, and the timeframe of modern experiments provides very scarce opportunities for people, in the early stages of their scientific careers, to acquire in depth understanding of the various types of detectors and instrumentation used in the experiments.

This lack of practical experience may have a negative impact on our field, especially in the context of: interpreting the response of the actual detectors in complex data analysis, designing the upgrades of today experiments and in the conceptual design of the future ones.

To remedy this situation, the ICFA Instrumentation Panel is considering the organization of a school devoted to in depth studies of the various aspects of detectors and instrumentation in HEP; the school would be augmented by extensive hands-on laboratory courses.

We would like to know your opinion and acquire information about the perceived needs for such an educational program via a questionnaire. The outcome of survey the will be used to optimize the organization, the format and the scientific content of the school in order to maximize the benefits for young researches.

Thank you for investing some of your time to complete this survey and support our effort!

The ICFA Panel for Instrumentation