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* 1. Have you ever had a mentor?

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* 2. Have you ever been a mentor to someone?

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* 3. Do you have a mentor in your life currently or are you serving as a mentor currently? (Choose all that apply)

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* 4. Do you think a mentor must be the same sex as the one being mentored?

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* 5. Do you struggle to define the term mentoring?

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* 6. Do you currently feel you could use a mentor in your life?

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* 7. In what area of your life do you have the greatest need for a mentor? (Pick all that apply)

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* 8. Do you believe a mentor should be _________? (Choose the best answer)

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* 9. Ideally, how often do you think someone should meet with a mentor?

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* 10. Do you know of any good resources to help with mentoring?