FSEP, also known as the Food System Economic Partnership, is a 501c3 non-profit formed in 2005 to catalyze change that results in vibrant and sustainable food economies in communities across southeast Michigan. The food system landscape has changed since FSEP’s inception and now the FSEP board is seeking community input on its impact and future directions. Where can FSEP create the most positive change in our regional food system now?  Please take this short survey and give us your direct feedback.

Please note, the first 3 questions are required. This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete and your responses will be confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Required question: What role in the food system most closely matches your own?

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* 2. Required question: What is your zip code?

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* 3. Required question: What is your age?

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* 4. Where have you seen the most positive change in the local food system in the past 5 years?

  Big increase Some increase No change Decrease Don't know
Acres of preserved farmland
Awareness of hunger issues
Availability of local food in restaurants
Availability of local food in institutional settings
Children's education
Media coverage
New food policy
Number of new farmers
Number of new food businesses
Number of new farmers markets
Public awareness
Stronger network of food/farm relationships

Question Title

* 5. What next steps are most needed in southeast Michigan for creating the "healthy, green, fair and affordable" food system outlined in the Michigan Good Food Charter?

  Most needed Somewhat needed Not needed Don't know
Access to healthy food for low-income people
Cooking classes
Economic development
Farmland preservation
Federal farm bill policy
Food and farm education
Food labeling
Food/nutrition education
Food safety assurance
Government or grant funding for food initiatives
Large-scale conference events
Local food marketing campaign or directory
Local food policy
New farmer training
New food/farm associations or guilds
New food processing infrastructure
Supply chain traceability

Question Title

* 6. What do you think are the biggest barriers to the "healthy, green, fair and affordable" food system described by the Michigan Good Food Charter?

  Major barrier Minor barrier Not a barrier Don't know
Lack of access to capital for farmers/producers
Lack of diverse participation
Lack of food and food system education
Lack of food system marketing and communication
Lack of public demand for "healthy, green, fair and affordable" food
Need for food safety training/certification
Need for new farmers
Price of growing food
Price of purchasing food
Restrictive zoning

Question Title

* 7. Have you heard of FSEP (also known as the Food System Economic Partnership, a non-profit 5-county collaboration operating in Lenawee, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne Counties)?

Question Title

* 8. Could you briefly describe what you know about the FSEP mission and/or organization?

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* 9. Please rate the level of positive impact on the food system in southeast Michigan from the following FSEP initiatives:

  A lot Some None Don't know
Food and Farming Innovation Network Breakfasts
FSEP Conference
New Business Development
Tilian Farm Development Center
Washtenaw Food Policy Council development

Question Title

* 10. Where do you believe the best opportunities are for action toward vibrant and sustainable food economies in communities across southeast Michigan? 

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* 11. Other feedback for FSEP?