Create visual case precedent maps - this is a colour mind map that visually demonstrates cited and citing case relationships as well as litigation history
Create visual case precedent maps - this is a colour mind map that visually demonstrates cited and citing case relationships as well as litigation history Essential
Create visual case precedent maps - this is a colour mind map that visually demonstrates cited and citing case relationships as well as litigation history Highly desirable
Create visual case precedent maps - this is a colour mind map that visually demonstrates cited and citing case relationships as well as litigation history Desirable
Create visual case precedent maps - this is a colour mind map that visually demonstrates cited and citing case relationships as well as litigation history No opinion
Create visual case precedent maps - this is a colour mind map that visually demonstrates cited and citing case relationships as well as litigation history Not desirable
Introduction of pinpoint references to paragraphs within cases where discussion of cited cases appears
Introduction of pinpoint references to paragraphs within cases where discussion of cited cases appears Essential
Introduction of pinpoint references to paragraphs within cases where discussion of cited cases appears Highly desirable
Introduction of pinpoint references to paragraphs within cases where discussion of cited cases appears Desirable
Introduction of pinpoint references to paragraphs within cases where discussion of cited cases appears No opinion
Introduction of pinpoint references to paragraphs within cases where discussion of cited cases appears Not desirable
Produce an optimised version of FirstPoint for browsing on your iPad or other tablet
Produce an optimised version of FirstPoint for browsing on your iPad or other tablet Essential
Produce an optimised version of FirstPoint for browsing on your iPad or other tablet Highly desirable
Produce an optimised version of FirstPoint for browsing on your iPad or other tablet Desirable
Produce an optimised version of FirstPoint for browsing on your iPad or other tablet No opinion
Produce an optimised version of FirstPoint for browsing on your iPad or other tablet Not desirable
Enhanced word wheel functionality to predict case names, statutes, judges, words and phrases, etc as you type in the search field template
Enhanced word wheel functionality to predict case names, statutes, judges, words and phrases, etc as you type in the search field template Essential
Enhanced word wheel functionality to predict case names, statutes, judges, words and phrases, etc as you type in the search field template Highly desirable
Enhanced word wheel functionality to predict case names, statutes, judges, words and phrases, etc as you type in the search field template Desirable
Enhanced word wheel functionality to predict case names, statutes, judges, words and phrases, etc as you type in the search field template No opinion
Enhanced word wheel functionality to predict case names, statutes, judges, words and phrases, etc as you type in the search field template Not desirable
Enhanced customisation of alerting services based on selected cases, practice areas or taxonomy classification
Enhanced customisation of alerting services based on selected cases, practice areas or taxonomy classification Essential
Enhanced customisation of alerting services based on selected cases, practice areas or taxonomy classification Highly desirable
Enhanced customisation of alerting services based on selected cases, practice areas or taxonomy classification Desirable
Enhanced customisation of alerting services based on selected cases, practice areas or taxonomy classification No opinion
Enhanced customisation of alerting services based on selected cases, practice areas or taxonomy classification Not desirable
Greater ability to browse by topic
Greater ability to browse by topic Essential
Greater ability to browse by topic Highly desirable
Greater ability to browse by topic Desirable
Greater ability to browse by topic No opinion
Greater ability to browse by topic Not desirable
One-click access to the FirstPoint classification from the Westlaw AU Home page
One-click access to the FirstPoint classification from the Westlaw AU Home page Essential
One-click access to the FirstPoint classification from the Westlaw AU Home page Highly desirable
One-click access to the FirstPoint classification from the Westlaw AU Home page Desirable
One-click access to the FirstPoint classification from the Westlaw AU Home page No opinion
One-click access to the FirstPoint classification from the Westlaw AU Home page Not desirable
Alter the "Cases Advanced Search" template so it automatically displays all possible search fields which can be scrolled through, rather than fit a limited number of search fields on one page and then provide a "more options" button to obtain the full list
Alter the "Cases Advanced Search" template so it automatically displays all possible search fields which can be scrolled through, rather than fit a limited number of search fields on one page and then provide a "more options" button to obtain the full list Essential
Alter the "Cases Advanced Search" template so it automatically displays all possible search fields which can be scrolled through, rather than fit a limited number of search fields on one page and then provide a "more options" button to obtain the full list Highly desirable
Alter the "Cases Advanced Search" template so it automatically displays all possible search fields which can be scrolled through, rather than fit a limited number of search fields on one page and then provide a "more options" button to obtain the full list Desirable
Alter the "Cases Advanced Search" template so it automatically displays all possible search fields which can be scrolled through, rather than fit a limited number of search fields on one page and then provide a "more options" button to obtain the full list No opinion
Alter the "Cases Advanced Search" template so it automatically displays all possible search fields which can be scrolled through, rather than fit a limited number of search fields on one page and then provide a "more options" button to obtain the full list Not desirable
Search a specific section of legislation from the Home page, without the need to click through to the Advanced Search template
Search a specific section of legislation from the Home page, without the need to click through to the Advanced Search template Essential
Search a specific section of legislation from the Home page, without the need to click through to the Advanced Search template Highly desirable
Search a specific section of legislation from the Home page, without the need to click through to the Advanced Search template Desirable
Search a specific section of legislation from the Home page, without the need to click through to the Advanced Search template No opinion
Search a specific section of legislation from the Home page, without the need to click through to the Advanced Search template Not desirable