
Question Title

* 1. What are your top two areas of practice?

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* 2. Please identify the states in which you practice:

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* 3. How many personnel in your firm hold at least one of the following designations:
(please enter a number for all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. How many engagements are you personally involved in annually

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* 6. Do you perform financial analysis (bench marketing) before or after you normalize?

Question Title

* 8. Do you consider the impact of a compensation adjustment (or other-control based adjustments) on value, prior to making the adjustment?

Data Sources

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* 9. What data sources do you rely on for benchmarking?

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* 10. What data sources do you rely on for compensation benchmarking?

Types of Adjustments

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* 11. Do you adjust for non-recurring expenditures?

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* 12. What percentage of your engagements involve the following adjustments?
(please enter a number for all that apply)

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* 13. If you selected "other" above, please specify:

Question Title

* 14. Do you use historical unadjusted or normalized capital expenditures, depreciation, and working capital?

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* 15. Do you use a normalized capital structure when calculating the cost of capital?

Control vs. Minority

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* 16. Do you use Mergerstat data as the primary support for control adjustments?

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* 17. Do you believe Mergerstat Data on average produces reasonable control discounts/premiums?

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* 18. Do you believe that the Mergerstat Data can actually overstate or understate the proper control premium/discount for a specific company?

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* 19. Do you make owner compensation adjustments in controlling interest valuations?

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* 20. Do you adjust non-owner employee compensation in controlling interest valuations?

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* 21. Do you make owner compensation adjustments in minority interest valuations?

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* 22. Do you adjust non-owner employee compensation in minority interest valuations?

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* 23. Do you consider an adjustment to owner’s compensation a normalization adjustment or a control adjustment?

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* 24. Which of the following techniques do you use when applying the income approach in a minority interest valuation:


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* 25. How do you distinguish between normalizing adjustments for a control value and those for a minority value?

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* 26. What is usually the most significant normalizing adjustment and how do you go about making it?

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* 27. Have you ever had any normalization adjustments disallowed (court, audit, etc.)? If so, please elaborate.

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* 28. What is the most common mistake you see people make relative to normalizing adjustments?

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* 29. When do you not consider normalization adjustments?

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* 30. Are there any divorce specific normalization adjustments in your area that you do not make for any other type of engagement?

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* 31. What is the strangest normalization adjustment you have made?

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* 32. How do you balance the cost/benefit aspect of normalization adjustments?

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* 33. What normalization adjustments are problematic for you?

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* 34. Would you be interested in specific training relative to this area?

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* 35. Please provide any additional commentary.