Section 1: Information About Your Firm

9% of survey complete.
Thanks for participating in the largest survey of management practices in the business valuation profession. BVR conducts this survey every two years to help appraisers benchmark and improve their practice management. All responses are confidential. The deadline to be included is October 20th!

We've separated this questionnaire into 9 topical sections, each focusing on a separate area of practice management. This first section asks for basic information about your business valuation practice.

You can pause and return to the survey if you need to. In order to guarantee your results are included, please complete all sections by October 20, 2010.

Answer as many questions as you can, but feel free to skip any item that does not apply to your firm. Only those questions marked with "*" are required.

If you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact David Foster via e-mail at

All participants who register in the final section receive free highlights of the Survey, and a large participant discount on the full results.

Thanks from Business Valuation Resources!

Question Title

* 1. In what year did your current practice or firm first offer business valuation services?

Question Title

* 2. What is your position?

Question Title

* 3. Is your firm's prime headquarters located in:

Question Title

* 4. Including your headquarters location, in how many states and/or provinces does your firm have offices performing business valuation engagements?

Question Title

* 5. Including your headquarters location, how many total offices performing business valuation engagements does your firm have?

Question Title

* 6. Your firm is structured as:

Question Title

* 7. What is your firm's primary business?

Question Title

* 8. Including yourself, please indicate the number of business valuation professionals and other full time equivalents who work on business valuation engagements (the total should equal the total number of staff in your firm employed doing work related to business valuation engagements):