Please complete as much of this survey as possible.

Questions marked with a * are required.
Part I: Web Site and Computer Access Information.

Question Title

* 2. Where did you learn about the web site? Choose all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. Where do you usually go to find a computer to get to the Internet? Choose all that apply.

Part II: Education, Computer Experience, and Income Information. This information will be used to help us find out how easy it is for people to use the web site if they do not have much experience with computers. It will also help us to figure out whether we are reaching people that Georgia Legal Services Program and Atlanta Legal Aid Society are trying to serve (people with low incomes).

Question Title

* 4. Please tell us how much education you have: Choose one.

Question Title

* 5. How much experience do you have using the Internet?

Question Title

* 6. We'd like to know about the income levels of people who use our site. By "low income" we mean someone who would probably be eligible for legal services from Atlanta Legal Aid Society and Georgia Legal Services Program (the maximum income for an individual is about $11,000 and for a family of four it's about $23,000 per year). Please choose what best fits your situation. I am:

Part III. Evaluation and Feedback About Web Site.

Question Title

* 7. How easy or hard was it to find the information you needed? Choose one.

Question Title

* 8. How helpful was the web site?

Question Title

* 9. Did you find the answer to your legal problem?

Question Title

* 10. What other changes should we make to the web site to help you solve your legal problem?

Thank you for helping us improve / .