Please provide feedback on how you receive information at UAF.

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Question Title

* 1. I generally receive timely information I need/want about what's happening at UAF.

Question Title

* 2. When it comes to information about the following topics, do you feel you receive the right amount of information?

  Too much Just about right Too little Not interested
Academic programs/calendars
Employee benefits
Facilities (construction, maintenance, snow plowing)
Institutional priorities
Marketing and branding information
News and events
Student recruitment plans
Training/professional development
University budget

Question Title

* 3. Where do you get your information about UAF? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. How do you prefer to get your information? Please choose your preference for each.

  Strongly preferred Preferred Somewhat preferred Not preferred No preference
Campuswide email
Cornerstone news and information site
Cornerstone newsletter email
Forums and meetings
Social media
Supervisor/department meetings
Text messaging
UAF website