Question Title

* 1. When considering titles for Michelle Creber's upcoming CD (covers of top hits throughout the last 100 years), please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices. Note: All titles will begin with her name. e.g. MICHELLE CREBER: Indubitably

  1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice
Covering a Century
Covers of Classics
Saturday Night Songs
Sometime This Century
Time Machine
Blast From the Past
A Century of Sound
Gotcha Covered
Cover This
Across the Decades
Through the Decades
Songs of a Century
Century of Song

Question Title

* 2. Just for fun...please indicate your top three honorable mentions or "alternative" titles :)

  1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice
Songs from before I was born (mostly)
Music from when it was good
Natalie Sharp is the best
Felipe Cossa is Better Than Natalie Sharp
Michelle Creber sings a bunch of songs
Ketchup flavored potato chips from heaven
The Indubitably Files
Decades of Indubitably
Ten Tens of Tunes
Lost In Time
Apple B100m
Indubitably Michelle
Michelle Creber Ultra Awesome Spectacustravaganzabration 2012: The Album!