Budget Information Survey

This survey instrument will serve as one of many tools to assist administration and the Board of Education in gathering voter information regarding program priorities and the tax cap levy. We thank you for taking the time to answer this brief, anonymous survey.

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* 1. Please answer the following question regarding your demographic (check all that apply):

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Last May, 2013, did you cast a vote in the Voorheesville Central School District budget?

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate how much you value the following components of a school budget:

  Not Very Important Somewhat Important Neutral/No Opinion Important Very Important
Academic Programming
Social Programming
Maintenance of Facilities
Field Trips
Extracurricular Activities
Technological Resources
Class Sizes
Class/Course Offerings
Performing Arts (Music, Art)
Humanities Programming (Lake George Opera, Shakespeare and Co., etc.)
Food Services
Tax Rate
Savings (Amount in Fund Balance)

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* 5. Considering all factors that go into creating a balanced budget, and your priorities, would you be willing to pay above the designated Tax Cap Levy (meaning, would you be willing to pay above the maximum limit as set forth by State), in order to PRESERVE school programming?

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* 6. Considering all factors that go into creating a balanced budget, and your priorities, would you be willing to pay above the designated Tax Cap Levy (meaning, would you be willing to pay above the maximum limit as set forth by State), in order to ADD TO current school programming?