2013 Committee Sign-Ups |
1. 2013 Committee Sign-up
NCHN is a membership organization, which is governed by representatives from the membership. In addition to the importance of volunteer Directors, it is also important to have even broader representation of the membership serving on the various NCHN Committees. The committees operate to assist the elected Board of Directors and the Officers in meeting its goals and objectives of the Association.
Thanks to the members that served on Committees during 2012. We are now recruiting committee members for 2013. Please take a few minutes to review the 2013 Committees and their descriptions below and sign up to serve on a committee or committees during 2013.
If you served on a committee during 2012 and would like to remain on that committee, please include your selection below.
Committees normally meet monthly by conference call. The calls are on a regular schedule, e.g., first Tuesday of the month, and for a set time --- usually an hour or an hour and half. Committees will establish their meeting day and time. NCHN staff serve as support staff to the committees.
Below, the sign up section is a list of committees, along with a description of the charge of the committee. Please review the list and response ASAP if you are interested in serving on a 2013 Committee.
If you have specific questions about committee member responsibilities or need more information, please feel free to discuss with Rebecca.
Thanks in advance for your support and dedication to NCHN!
Thanks to the members that served on Committees during 2012. We are now recruiting committee members for 2013. Please take a few minutes to review the 2013 Committees and their descriptions below and sign up to serve on a committee or committees during 2013.
If you served on a committee during 2012 and would like to remain on that committee, please include your selection below.
Committees normally meet monthly by conference call. The calls are on a regular schedule, e.g., first Tuesday of the month, and for a set time --- usually an hour or an hour and half. Committees will establish their meeting day and time. NCHN staff serve as support staff to the committees.
Below, the sign up section is a list of committees, along with a description of the charge of the committee. Please review the list and response ASAP if you are interested in serving on a 2013 Committee.
If you have specific questions about committee member responsibilities or need more information, please feel free to discuss with Rebecca.
Thanks in advance for your support and dedication to NCHN!