1. Instructions for Submission

33% of survey complete.
8th Annual Conference
April 19-24, 2013
Miami, Florida

The IOA Conference Committee is accepting speaker presentation proposals and topic suggestions for the IOA 8th Annual Conference taking place April 19-24, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Miami in Miami, FL.

Please respond to this survey with your proposals by Friday, September 21, 2012.

Each year the International Ombudsman Association hosts an annual conference to promote the organizational ombuds profession, provide relevant educational content and offer enriching networking experiences for attendees. In preparation for the 8th Annual Conference, the Conference Committee is requesting proposals for sessions that are educational, engaging and help enhance the skills and knowledge of organizational ombudsmen. Historically, attendees to the IOA annual conferences have been new and experienced organizational ombudsman practitioners hailing from various sectors, as well as individuals, organizations and agencies interested in developing ombuds programs and/or learning about conflict management.

Proposal Submission Process (August 13 – September 21, 2012)
The Call for Proposals will be open between August 13 and September 21, 2012*. Desirable proposals will reflect the IOA’s mission to support and advance the global Organizational Ombudsman profession and ensure that practitioners work to the highest professional standards. Examples of desirable presentation topics will include, among others, skills and techniques geared towards improving an ombudsman’s ability to help others manage conflict, cultural and global competencies maximizing ombudsmen’s impact on organizations, legal and regulatory frameworks that affect ombudsmen. The Programming Sub-Committee may request presenters to revise their submissions if multiple proposals on the same topic are received. The Committee reserves the right to solicit additional presentations to ensure a balanced and appropriate program.

The Committee is accepting proposals for the following conference presentation formats:
• Concurrent sessions (90 minutes)
• Plenary sessions (60 minutes)
• Keynote speeches (60 minutes)
• Preconference courses (4 or 8 hours)

*In past years the submission period has been extended to allow for more proposals to come in; however, this practice puts a great deal of pressure on our committee volunteers. Please keep in mind that September 21st will be the last and final date to accept submissions.
Proposal Review Process (September 17 – October 12, 2012)
Decisions regarding proposals will be based on quality of the proposal and the program needs and goals of the conference. Proposals will be ranked based on the following criteria:

• Presentation topics match IOA’s mission and goals for the organizational ombudsman.
• Presentation objectives are clearly defined.
• The focus addresses a critical issue related to the organizational ombudsman profession.
• Participants attending the session will obtain useful information to assist in more effectively meeting the needs of their visitors and organizations.
• Information provided will have practical implications for attendees.

All proposals will be reviewed and final selections will be made by the Programming Sub-Committee between September and October 2012. Presentations by multiple speakers will be accepted, but all presenters must be identified at the time of the submission. Any substantive changes to the proposal or presenters must be approved by the Programming Sub-Committee. Notification on the status of submissions will be e-mailed directly to the lead presenter.

After careful review, the Programming Sub-Committee will rank all submissions and select the top 30 proposals. Acceptance emails and agreements will be sent to presenters between October 25th and 31st, 2012; we ask that presenters confirm their availability and return the Speaker agreement within 10 days of receiving the acceptance email. Once presenters return their confirmations, the sub-committee will then send notifications for the proposals not selected, beginning November 15th, 2012. Each year the Conference Committee receives more proposals than the number of sessions available for the conference schedule; we will keep proposals not selected for the 2013 conference on file and reconsider them for future conferences. If an approved presenter withdraws his/her proposal and there is room in the schedule, the Programming Sub-Committee will fill the slot with the next highest ranked proposal.

Notifications for accepted proposals will be sent by e-mail beginning October 25, 2012. If your proposal is accepted, you will have 10 days to confirm your availability for the conference and return your Speaker Agreement. Failure to respond within the designated time period will result in a withdrawal of your proposal. Proposals will be slotted and final scheduling will be assigned by January 15, 2013.
Program Scheduling Process (December 3, 2012 – January 4, 2013)
Once accepted proposals are confirmed, the Programming Sub-Committee will assign time slots for the sessions. IOA’s conference agenda should be as varied as the members it is intended for, therefore, the Programming Sub-Committee spends extra time ensuring that every session slot offers content that would be of interest for ombudsmen from all sectors. We will do everything in our power to meet your availability, but you may need to be flexible when making travel arrangements.

Individual emails will be sent to the lead presenters indicating the date and time of the session by January 15, 2013. A schedule is also posted online at about the same time. Due to the number of presentations and variables involved in creating the schedule, the Committee cannot consider special scheduling requests. If you believe that you have a circumstance that should be considered separately, please contact the Conference Committee chairs.

If your proposal is selected, you will be responsible for:
• Concurrent sessions: 90 minutes
• Plenary sessions: 60 minutes
• Keynote speeches: 60 minutes
• Preconference course: 4 or 8 hours
• Submitting presentations electronically to the Programming Sub-Committee by March 15, 2013; IOA will make all presentations available to attendees on the IOA website just before and following the conference.
HANDOUTS: Any duplication of handouts for participants will be presenter’s responsibility. IOA will not provide any photocopying services.
• All concurrent session rooms will be equipped with a projection screen. You will be responsible for providing any additional technology required for the session (e.g. laptops, video cables, Mac adapters, etc.).
TRAVEL and LODGING: IOA will not provide any compensation or assistance in arranging your travel and lodging. An exception will be made for keynote speakers invited to present at the conference.

Please notate these important dates regarding the proposal submission and review process:
Call for Proposals ‘Open’: August 13, 2012
Call for Proposals ‘CLOSED’: September 21, 2012*
Proposal Review Period: September 17 - October 15, 2012
Proposal Acceptance Notifications: October 25 - 31, 2012
Speaker Confirmation & Agreements: November 5 - 9
Proposal Rejection Notifications: November 15 - 27, 2012
Conference Agenda Schedule: December 3, 2012
Final Presentation Files: March 15, 2013