Libraries Build Communities |
1. Welcome!
Thanks for offering to participate in our online survey of library workers. We're interested in talking to anyone building community through library programs, services, and collections. This survey is part of our research for Inside, Outside, and Online, a book about libraries and community building, to be published by ALA Editions. You can learn more about our project at Libraries Build Communities.
This survey should take fifteen to twenty minutes to complete, and there are only a few required questions. Most questions are open-ended, and we hope that this will draw out the surprises! Please answer as freely and informally as you'd like.
Click "Next" to get started with the survey. If you want to leave the survey at any time, just click "Exit this survey." Your answers will be saved.
Thanks again for your time!
Chrystie Hill
This survey should take fifteen to twenty minutes to complete, and there are only a few required questions. Most questions are open-ended, and we hope that this will draw out the surprises! Please answer as freely and informally as you'd like.
Click "Next" to get started with the survey. If you want to leave the survey at any time, just click "Exit this survey." Your answers will be saved.
Thanks again for your time!
Chrystie Hill