
DATE: May 1, 2017
TO: Board, Staff and Trustees of ABC Community School
FROM: ABC Strategic Planning Committee
RE: Strategic Planning Survey -- Your Response Needed By (Deadline Date)

As you know, ABC Community School has decided to engage in a strategic planning process to chart the future course of the School. The Board of Directors has established a Strategic Planning Committee composed of board and staff members to guide our planning process.

Because the Strategic Planning Committee wants the process to be as inclusive as possible, as a first step we need the benefit of your thinking on a few important questions. Complete and submit this survey as soon as possible. We estimate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete this survey.

Everyone involved with ABC Community School has a different set of skills, expertise and familiarity with the operation of the School and the needs and trends within our community. Please answer the questions based on your knowledge and familiarity with ABC and the students we serve. All responses will be helpful as we undertake this important process. The survey has six parts. They are described below:

Part 1: First, share your current understanding of the ABC Community School mission and organizational values.

Part 2: Second, think about internal strengths and weaknesses of ABC Community School.

Part 3: Third, reflect on recent and future external changes and trends likely to have a significant impact on ABC and the people we serve over next 5 years.

Part 4: Fourth, think about how ABC Community School is viewed by key constituents and stakeholders as well as the changing needs and the service expectations they have of the School.

Part 5: Fifth, consider other organizations that may be positioned to meet some of the identified emerging constituent needs in the future.

Part 6: Finally, identify the most critical strategic issues and challenges facing ABC Community School over the next several years.

Survey responses will be compiled into a summary for use by the Strategic Planning Committee during the planning process. Returned surveys are not correlated with email addresses so comments cannot be attributed to individuals to assure confidentiality.

If you have any questions, please email Frank Martinelli, Planning Facilitator at We look forward to working with you during the next several months.

Click "Next" to get started with the survey