Exit this survey >> Survey about Green Products 1. Survey about Green Products This survey is being conducted by a MBA graduate student at the Univerisity of Minnesota for a class project. Your help is greatly appreciated. Question Title * 1. How important are the following features when you are deciding whether to make a purchase: Very unimportant Unimportant Somewhat unimportant Neutral Somewhat important Important Very important Eco-friendly Eco-friendly Very unimportant Eco-friendly Unimportant Eco-friendly Somewhat unimportant Eco-friendly Neutral Eco-friendly Somewhat important Eco-friendly Important Eco-friendly Very important Fashion Fashion Very unimportant Fashion Unimportant Fashion Somewhat unimportant Fashion Neutral Fashion Somewhat important Fashion Important Fashion Very important Value/price Value/price Very unimportant Value/price Unimportant Value/price Somewhat unimportant Value/price Neutral Value/price Somewhat important Value/price Important Value/price Very important Durability Durability Very unimportant Durability Unimportant Durability Somewhat unimportant Durability Neutral Durability Somewhat important Durability Important Durability Very important Social acceptance of the product Social acceptance of the product Very unimportant Social acceptance of the product Unimportant Social acceptance of the product Somewhat unimportant Social acceptance of the product Neutral Social acceptance of the product Somewhat important Social acceptance of the product Important Social acceptance of the product Very important Originality/one-of-a-kind Originality/one-of-a-kind Very unimportant Originality/one-of-a-kind Unimportant Originality/one-of-a-kind Somewhat unimportant Originality/one-of-a-kind Neutral Originality/one-of-a-kind Somewhat important Originality/one-of-a-kind Important Originality/one-of-a-kind Very important Website purchase security Website purchase security Very unimportant Website purchase security Unimportant Website purchase security Somewhat unimportant Website purchase security Neutral Website purchase security Somewhat important Website purchase security Important Website purchase security Very important Trust-worthiness of seller Trust-worthiness of seller Very unimportant Trust-worthiness of seller Unimportant Trust-worthiness of seller Somewhat unimportant Trust-worthiness of seller Neutral Trust-worthiness of seller Somewhat important Trust-worthiness of seller Important Trust-worthiness of seller Very important Brand Brand Very unimportant Brand Unimportant Brand Somewhat unimportant Brand Neutral Brand Somewhat important Brand Important Brand Very important Question Title * 2. When you hear about a product made from recycled material, do you have concerns about any of the following factors (check all that apply): Durability Fashion Sanitation Price Other (please specify): Question Title * 3. How important are the following sources of information on your purchase making decisions: Not Important Somewhat unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Important Friends/family Friends/family Not Important Friends/family Somewhat unimportant Friends/family Neutral Friends/family Somewhat Important Friends/family Important Blogs Blogs Not Important Blogs Somewhat unimportant Blogs Neutral Blogs Somewhat Important Blogs Important Talking to someone intimately familiar with the product (like the manufacturer or at retail) Talking to someone intimately familiar with the product (like the manufacturer or at retail) Not Important Talking to someone intimately familiar with the product (like the manufacturer or at retail) Somewhat unimportant Talking to someone intimately familiar with the product (like the manufacturer or at retail) Neutral Talking to someone intimately familiar with the product (like the manufacturer or at retail) Somewhat Important Talking to someone intimately familiar with the product (like the manufacturer or at retail) Important Websites Websites Not Important Websites Somewhat unimportant Websites Neutral Websites Somewhat Important Websites Important Magazines Magazines Not Important Magazines Somewhat unimportant Magazines Neutral Magazines Somewhat Important Magazines Important Question Title * 4. Are you willing to pay a premium for a product that is eco-friendly: Not willing to pay a premium 1-5% over similar products that are not eco-friendly 6-15% over similar products that are not eco-friendly 16-25% over similar products that are not eco-friendly Over a 25% over similar products that are not eco-friendly Question Title * 5. What is your sex Female Male Question Title * 6. What is your age? Under 20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Question Title * 7. Please check all of the following that describes you: Concerned for the environment I am frugal I have many friends I shop online frequently (at least once a month) I live with others I trust people when I first meet them I am concerned what others think of me I will try anything at least once I prefer to do things on my own Done >>