You are being asked to complete this brief questionnaire because of your interest in the topic of FEMALE GENITAL CUTTING. With your help, we will be able to gather accurate information on what information and tools are being used by individuals and groups working in this area, and what information gaps need to be addressed.

Question Title

* 1. Name of Individual

Question Title

* 2. What kind of organization do you work for ?

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* 3. What type of work are you doing related to FGC? (May check more than one)

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* 4. At what level is most of your work?

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* 5. How do you get the information you need on FGC? (May check more than one)

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* 6. How easy is it for you to access information over the Internet? (1=easy, 5=difficult)

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* 7. Do you prefer print materials to electronic materials?

Question Title

* 8. Of the various types of information you access, rate each type as to how critical it is for you to get better access (1=can now get it easily or don't need more, 5=desperately need it to be better, more accessible)

  1 2 3 4 5
Operations research results
Statistical or prevalence information
Training manuals and other support information
Advocacy tools
Best practices/evaluation results
Case studies
Information on FGC policy in-country
Links to other organizations

Question Title

* 9. Do you think there are information gaps?

Question Title

* 10. If yes, what are the gaps?