The NPSA's Technology Committee has created this brief survey to gain input on technological issues of importance to organizations within this industry. Please respond to this valuable survey so the committee can complile and analyze the data and report the findings. The survey is designed to take five minutes or less to complete.

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* 1. What percent of your annual budget goes toward technology (hardware and software)?

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* 2. Do you agree with this statement: "In general, we have the right set of software tools to allow us to do our jobs."

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* 3. Do you agree with this statement: "In general, our organization is aware of technology and software/hardware tools that are likely to be helpful to us."

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* 4. What are your current barriers to technology implementation?

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* 5. What are the top two or three technological capabilities your organization is not looking to implement at this time?

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* 6. What types of security methods do you have in place to protect your computer hardware/software assets? (check all that apply)

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* 7. Does your office utilize or plan to implement any GPS technology?

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* 8. If yes, what type of GPS product do you utilize and who is the vendor?

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* 9. Does your office utilize a rental or fleet management software package?

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* 10. If Yes, who is the vendor?

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* 11. Do you prefer to receive information:

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* 12. Will you accept an invoice via email?

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* 13. How do you access the Internet?

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* 14. Do you use the internet to purchase products?

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* 15. How would you rate your technological knowledge and skills? (1 is not very technical; 5 is very technical)

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* 16. Are you planning on updating your technical knowledge/skills?

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* 17. To communicate with your drivers, does your office utilize (please place the vendor in the text box)

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* 18. Does your organization have a web site?

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* 19. If yes, how often is your web site updated?

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* 20. If you have a web site, what is its general purpose? Check all that apply.

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* 21. How often do you visit the NPSA Web Site at

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* 22. When you visit the NPSA Web Site, do you log into the members only section?

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* 23. What features would you like to see on the NPSA web site (check all that apply):

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* 24. How many personnel does your company employ (full-time and part-time)?

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* 25. What can the NPSA do to better serve your needs?

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* 26. To assist in regionalizing the data, please let us know where you are responding from: