1. Informed Consent

The purpose of this survey is to gain an understanding of close friendships and individual definitions of friendship. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire. It is anticipated that it will take approximately 15 minutes to participate.

Participation is voluntary. There are no known personal risks associated with participation. Participants can be assured that the information supplied will be completely anonymous, that is, no one will be able to identify you by your responses. Completion of this survey signifies your voluntary consent to participate in this research.

Please direct any questions you may have to the principal investigator, Dr. Paz Galupo, at the Psychology Department at Towson University, pgalupo@towson.edu. If you have concerns about this research contact Dr. Patricia Alt, Chairperson of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Participants at Towson University.

Question Title

* 1. I have read the above passage and would like to complete the survey. If you would like to discontinue your participation, please choose "Exit Survey" in the right hand corner.