1. Introduction

This survey will enable the American Historical Association’s Task Force on Disability (TFD) to gather information from AHA’s graduate student members with disabilities. This data will enable the AHA to increase support and accessibility for AHA members with disabilities, efforts that will benefit the profession as a whole.

In addition, the survey will support a pilot Mentorship Program to match graduate students with disabilities with faculty mentors. These working relationships would be confidential, unofficial, and informal. Graduate students could communicate with mentors for advice on how to handle a variety of disability-related situations in the classroom, taking exams, doing research, dealing with administrative matters, going on the job market, and in other ways.

This is a confidential survey. Your privacy will be respected and protected. Data will only be reported in the aggregate and no one will see individual responses.

Each person who completes the survey will have the option to enter a random drawing to receive a $100 Amazon gift card. Information provided for the drawing will not be connected to survey results.

Please complete the questionnaire by Friday, October 22. Winners of the gift cards will be notified the following week.

If you encounter accessibility issues with this survey, please contact ddoyle@historians.org to arrange for an alternative format.